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by dcpadmin | Dec 25, 2022 | Buzz, Clients, DCP International, Org Solutions, Security Solutions
Thank you to all of our partner clients, staff/advisors, and supporters, both here and abroad! Every anniversary is both humbling and a new challenge to do bigger and better next year. This is our first year being able to give out corporate gifts!
To our partner clients: Thank you for your faith in us, your support of small business, and your partnership!
2022 Clients of the Year
– ZVM Associates (www.zvmassociates.com)
– Nova Terra Solutions (www.novaterrasolutions.com)
– CVS Health
– AMC Theatres
by dcpadmin | Dec 25, 2022 | Buzz, Clients, Community, DCP International, DCP International - TLA, DCP Leadership Institute, DCP Marketing Institute, Org Solutions
With her 25+ years of IT experience, CEO/Chief Strategist of DeWitt Consultancy Partners, Kimberly DeWitt, is well-equipped for her latest step: the classroom. Beginning in January 2023, she will be partnering with LaunchCodeKC as a Teaching Assistant in their next Data Analysis training track.
LaunchCoders spend 24 weeks learning foundational knowledge into how to code, what data is, where it comes from, and how it can be used to inform trends and aid in decision-making. LaunchCoders utilize Python, SQL, Tableau, and various data to source, clean, profile, model, visualize, and report back findings in a manner consumable by stakeholders.
About LauchCodeKC
LaunchCode is a nonprofit offering free tech education and job placement opportunities to bring new people from all backgrounds into the tech field and reshape the way employers think about hiring. To learn more about LaunchCode, visit www.launchcode.org.
by dcpadmin | Sep 12, 2022 | Coaching, DCP Leadership Institute, Learnings, Org Management, Org Solutions
Businesses fail when they fail to plan. It doesn’t matter your size, market, or how educated your executive team is. Without a plan, your business is flying by the seat of its pants.
Strategic planning can be alot of things: hard, complex, time-consuming, and maybe even a bit scary. However, it is not something to be ignored.
Strategic plans act as the framework for departmental operational plans. Strategic plans (and their derivative Operational Plan cousins) serve several purposes:
DeWitt Consultancy Partners provides a wide array of organizational consulting services, including strategic/operational planning, and is a knowledgeable partner to have on your side, regardless of where you company is in its planning journey. Use our contact form to reach out for a consultation on your company’s needs. We’re here to help.
by dcpadmin | Sep 8, 2022 | Coaching, Community, DCP Marketing Institute, Org Solutions
As one of our signature cornerstones for small business/entrepreneur engagement, DCP Marketing Institute is the entry point to one of our best core offerings:
E-Learning Marketing System: Our E-Academy is the most
powerful and dynamic do-it-yourself client attraction
program ever created. For those who want to educate themselves at their own pace and without the guilt factor of having to admit what they don’t know, our E-Academy is for you! Curious about what the DCP E-Academy has to offer? Take the guided tour
DCP places great value on meeting people wherever they are in their business and entrepreneurial journey. DCP Marketing Institute is proud to offer a number of FREE resources to assist those who may not be ready to utilize a business coach.
FREE E-Book “Yes You Can!”: Kimberly is a published author! She has worked with business experts to craft an easy-to-understand actionable guide on how you can triple your current number of leads, double your sales and increase your annual revenue by $50,000 or more… and WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising. Skeptical? Check it out with no obligation!
FREE weekly training video: Each week, a new training video is posted, focused on a different strategy to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money.
FREE business assessment: Give us 45 minutes and we’ll show you where your business is leaving money on the table. Though our quick-start assessment system, we’ll assess common areas of your business where gaps/issues tend to occur the most. We’ll assess areas such as:
by dcpadmin | Sep 1, 2022 | Buzz, Clients, Org Solutions
DCP is pleased to count another great brand amongst our growing list of clientele: AMC
DCP will be partnering with AMC for a short-term project through the end of the year.
Welcome to AMC!
by dcpadmin | Sep 1, 2022 | Learnings, Org Management, Org Solutions, Speaking Engagement
CEO/Chief Strategist Kimberly DeWitt was keynote speaker for the Tampa Bay Chapter of IIBA BABOK study group on August 16. During her engaging presentation, she spoke on her extensive formal and operational knowledge/experience on similarities and differences between a Project Manager and Business Analyst. Although often conflated, Kimberly used an easy-to-follow analogy of a river with boulders to explain how these two roles work together, where they are disparate and where they are the same. She also provided great insights on how different companies she has worked with over her career have defined and utilized both roles.
>>To watch the video: View on YouTube
>>Download the presentation deck: Get the presentation deck
**The International Institute of Business Analysts (IIBA) is an internationally recognized organization that is dedicated to the development and maintenance of standards for the practice of business analysis and for the certification and recognition of practitioners. IIBA®’s multi-level, competency-based certification program recognizes a BA professional’s knowledge and skills and supports their lifelong BA career progression. To learn more about them, visit: www.iiba.org
Kimberly loves to teach, educate, and advocate. She is available to speak on any number of topics. Use our contact form to inquire or email her directly at: [email protected]